3 Awesome At-Home Resistance Band Workouts Women Need

Resistance band workouts are a great strength-training tool. You can take these bands anywhere, whether you use then in your at-home gym or on the road. Plus, you can change up your workout without needing to add extra weight. These are 3 of my favorite resistance band workouts, including an excellent full-body resistance band workout, core, and cardio-focused exercises, and a partner workout. You can do all of these at home.

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How To Do The Perfect Lunge

Lunges. You either love ’em or hate ’em. Personally, I LOVE them and as a Certified Personal Trainer, you’ll find them in my workouts. They’re great to do on their own or in combination with other exercises. Lunges work your glutes better than many other popular exercises. Here’s how to do the perfect lunge so you work your butt like never before!
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