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Tabata Training

Tabata is an effective training style because it focuses on short, super high-intensity intervals with short periods of rest in between. You burn a TON of calories with this style of workout because your body continues to burn a large number of calories long after you finish your workout.


What is Tabata Training?

Tabata means that you perform each exercise for 20 seconds, all out at your maximum effort followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes. then immediately move to the next exercise and do it for 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest before moving on. Make sense? Comment below with questions.

The goal is to push yourself to your max during your “work” intervals and then you get just a short period of rest in between. When you work to your max your body burns a significant amount of calories per minute and your body maintains that high calorie burn even when you rest in between your work intervals.

Benefits of Tabata Training

By adding Tabata training into your workout regime you will see results such as improved aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance, muscular endurance, AND fat burning!

Tabata training isn’t for everyone since it requires participants to push themselves to the max – and that level of intensity is definitely not for everyone. When giving this style of training a go, always remember to warm your muscles up for 5 minutes by performing exercises such as jumping jacks, jogging in place, high knees, pushups, etc. to help prevent injury.

Tabata Workout

Here is a great bodyweight Tabata style workout for you that you can do ANYWHERE since the only equipment you need is your body! Plus, 16 minutes of time!

Repeat this Tabata set twice through for a total of 4 minutes of work. If you need ideas for modifications comment below and I will happily share ideas with you.

Want another Tabata workout? These exercises came from Shaun T’s INSANITY MAX:30 program.

At home Tabata bodyweight workout

Exercise 1: Plank Jack Pushup
Exercise 2: Tuck Extensions
Exercise 3: Floor Switch Kicks
Exercise 4: Hop Hop Lunge Lunge